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In Orchid, access control is managed through permissions and roles. Permissions define access rights, which can be assigned to a user either directly or through roles, simplifying access management.

It is generally better to use roles to group permissions, as this makes managing user rights easier. Instead of assigning individual permissions to each user, roles allow you to assign one or more roles to a user. However, if needed, permissions can also be assigned directly to the user.

Important: Permissions do not replace Laravel’s Gate or Policies mechanisms. These mechanisms are still necessary for fine-grained access control, and permissions work in conjunction with them.

Although roles simplify management, the focus should be on permissions. Application logic should check access based on permissions, not roles, using the can methods.

Important: Access should always be checked through permissions, not roles. Roles serve as a convenience for grouping permissions, but access should always be checked based on permissions, not roles.


Method hasAccess will strictly require passed permission to be valid to grant access.

// Check is carried out both for the user and for his role

Method hasAnyAccess will grant access if any permission passes the check.

$user = User::find(1);

if ($user->hasAnyAccess(['user.admin', 'user.update'])) {
    // Execute this code if the user has permission

Note. Permissions can be checked based on wildcards using the * character to match any set of permissions.

$user = User::find(1);

if ($user->hasAccess('user.*')) {
    // Execute this code if the user has permission

In rare cases, you may need to take users who have permission directly or through a role. To do this, you can use:


// Or if the user has at least one of the passed permissions
   'non existent',

The user has several options for managing roles:

// Get all user roles

// Check whether the user has a role

// Add role to user


Roles also have procedures for:

// Returns all users with this role.

Registering Permissions

You can register permissions in your application to manage access to specific features.

Example of registering permissions using a provider:

use Orchid\Platform\ItemPermission;
use Orchid\Platform\OrchidServiceProvider;

class PermissionServiceProvider extends OrchidServiceProvider
     * Register permissions for the application.
     * @return ItemPermission[]
    public function permissions(): array
        return [
                ->addPermission('analytics', 'Access to data analytics')
                ->addPermission('monitor', 'Access to the system monitor'),

Check-in Screens

Each created screen already has a built-in permission check set using method permission, which accepts both an array and a string value for verification:

namespace App\Orchid\Screens;

use Orchid\Screen\Screen;

class History extends Screen
     * The permissions required to access this screen.
    public function permission(): ?iterable
        return [
    // ...

If several keys are listed, access will be granted if the user has at least one permission.

If there is no access, the static method unaccessed will be called, which by default will show a 403 error. You can override this response, e.g. to redirect a payment page or return a different response:

use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;

 * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
public static function unaccessed(): RedirectResponse
    return redirect('/other-screen');

Check-in Middleware

Small applications may not need to define permissions for each screen or class, instead, it makes sense to check their availability for routes. To do this, register a new middleware in app/Http/Kernel:

 * The application's route middleware.
 * These middleware may be assigned to groups or used individually.
 * @var array
protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'access' => \Orchid\Platform\Http\Middleware\Access::class,

After that, it can be used for any route definitions, by passing the parameter access:my-permission, just like in Auth::user()->hasAccess($string);

Route::screen('/stories', StoriesScreen::class)

You can also group them into groups:

Route::middleware(['access:systems.history'])->group(function () {
    Route::screen('/stories', StoriesScreen::class);
    Route::get('/stories/best', function () {
        // ...

Check-in Blade

For applications that rely on Blade templating to render, it will be convenient to add “Custom If Statements” as follows:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;

 * Bootstrap any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()
    Blade::if('hasAccess', function (string $value) {
        $user = Auth::user();

        if ($user === null) {
            return false;

        return $user->hasAccess($value);

Once the custom conditional has been defined, you can use it within your templates:

    <!-- User has permission for the 'platform.index' action -->
    <!-- User doesn't have permission for 'platform.index',
         but has permission for 'platform.other' -->
    <!-- User doesn't have permission for both 'platform.index'
         and 'platform.other' -->

    <!-- User doesn't have permission for 'platform.index' -->

Creating an Admin User via Console

To create a user with the maximum (at the time of creation) permissions, run the following command:

php artisan orchid:admin

To give the existing user the maximum permissions, run with the --id option:

php artisan orchid:admin --id=1

If you have added new mandatory columns for the user and need to modify the command to add corresponding values, first specify Orchid to use your model by adding the following code to the service provider:

use Orchid\Support\Facades\Dashboard;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()

Then override the createAdmin method in your User model:

public static function createAdmin(string $name, string $email, string $password): void
    throw_if(static::where('email', $email)->exists(), 'User already exists');

        'name'        => $name,
        'email'       => $email,
        'password'    => Hash::make($password),
        'permissions' => Dashboard::getAllowAllPermission(),

Now you can modify this method as per your requirements, and when executing the creation command, this method will be executed.

User Impersonation

The Orchid\Access\Impersonation class provides developers with convenient functionality for logging in as another user. It allows administrators to impersonate other users in order to view and perform actions on their behalf. This is useful for troubleshooting and resolving issues reported by users.

To switch to another user, use the loginAs() method:

use Orchid\Access\Impersonation;

// Login as another user

To revert back to the original user, call the logout() method:

// Revert back to the original user

The isImpersonating() method checks if the impersonation has been performed:

if (Impersonation::isImpersonating()) {
    // The user is impersonating another user

The impersonator() method returns information about the original user. If no impersonation has been performed, the method will return null:

// Get information about the original user
$impersonator = Impersonation::impersonator();

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