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Presenters are classes that wrap objects and provide additional functionality to them. In Orchid, presenters are used to format and present data consistently and help keep the views clean and organized. You can move all of the formatting and presentation logic into the presenter class, which maintains separation of concerns.

Creating A Presenter

In this example, let’s say we have a “Customer” model:

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Customer extends Model
    protected $fillable = [

Before an instance of this class is wrapped in a representative, you must create it:

namespace App\Presenters;

use Orchid\Support\Presenter;

class CustomerPresenter extends Presenter
    public function fullName(): string
        return sprintf('%s %s',

After that, we can use it as follows:

use App\Customer;
use App\Presenters\CustomerPresenter;

$customer = new Customer([
    'fistName' => 'Alexandr',
    'lastName' => 'Chernyaev'
$presenter = new CustomerPresenter($customer);


Note that the representative receives the firstName and lastName properties of the model because it does not have these properties.

Usually, there is no need to create and transfer a representative each time separately, for this, we indicate this creation in the model:

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use App\Presenters\CustomerPresenter;

class Customer extends Model
    protected $fillable = [
    public function presenter(): CustomerPresenter
        return new CustomerPresenter($this);

Note. Many platform functions expect a representative in the presenter method.

Now its use is becoming easier:

use App\Customer;

$customer = Customer::findOrFail(1)->presenter()->fullName();

Using Presenters with Collections

If you want to get a list of presenters, use collection methods, for example:

use App\Customer;

$customers = Customer::limit(10)->get()->map->presenter();

foreach($customers as $customer)

Using representatives for models is a common practice of automatically displaying data for Layouts.

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