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Attachments are files of various formats and extensions that are related to a specific record. They can be attached to any model in your application by adding the Attachable trait to the model and using the attachments() relationship.

For example, to attach files to a Hostel model:

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Orchid\Attachment\Attachable;

class Hostel extends Model
    use Attachable;

To retrieve the attachments for a particular hostel, you can use the attachments() relationship:

$item = Hostel::find(42);

Uploading a File via HTTP

To upload a file via HTTP, you can use the File class and the load() method. Here’s an example of a controller method that handles file uploads:

use Orchid\Attachment\File;

public function upload(Request $request)
    $file = new File($request->file('photo'));
    $attachment = $file->load();

    return response()->json($attachment);

This will automatically upload the file to the default repository (usually public) and create an entry in the database.

To retrieve the URL of an attachment, you can use the url() method:

$image = $item->attachments()->first();

// Get the URL of the file

Note. The url() method will first check for the path existence, and then get the URL. When using external storage like s3, this will make two calls. To improve performance you can use the caching adapter recommended by Laravel to improve performance. You can also simply override this method and adjust to your needs.

Uploading a File via the Console

Sometimes the necessary files are already on the server, and you can use the following code to upload them to the desired storage:

use Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile;
use Orchid\Attachment\File;

$file = new UploadedFile($path, $originalName);

$attachment = (new File($file))->load();

Duplicate Uploaded Files

To prevent unnecessary duplication and save resources, Laravel Orchid uses a hashing algorithm to check for existing files before uploading a new attachment. If a file with the same hash already exists in storage, a link to the existing file is created in the database instead of uploading a duplicate copy. This allows for efficient storage and management of attachments.

The file will only be deleted from storage when all links to it are destroyed. This means that if multiple records are associated with the same attachment, the file will not be deleted until all records are deleted or the attachment is removed from all of them.

This feature not only improves the performance and reduces the storage space, but also eliminates the chance of having multiple copies of the same file in the storage.

Allowing Duplicate Files

While the hashing algorithm in Laravel Orchid is designed to prevent the duplication of files, in some cases, you may want to keep duplicate files and generate different links to request different physical files. To do this, you can use the allowDuplicates() method.

use Orchid\Attachment\File;

public function upload(Request $request)
    $file = new File($request->file('photo'));
    $attachment = $file->allowDuplicates()->load();

    return response()->json()

Keep in mind that allowing duplicate files may increase storage usage and affect your application’s performance. Therefore, it should be used with caution and only when necessary.

Customizing the Upload Path

By default, Laravel Orchid uses a default upload path for all files of Y/m/d, for example: 2022/06/11. This path is used to organize and structure the uploaded files in the storage. However, you may want to customize the path to suit your specific needs.

You can change the default path by using the path(string $path) method:

use Orchid\Attachment\File;

public function upload(Request $request)
    $path = "photos"
    $file = new File($request->file('photo'));
    $attachment = $file->path($path)->load();

    return response()->json()

In this example, the path() method is used to set the path to photos before loading the file. This will change the default path and all files will be uploaded to the photos folder.

You can also use dynamic parameters like path('photos/'.$user->id) or path('photos/'.$file->name) to create specific folders for each user or file type.


Attachments won’t be removed after model removal automatically. In case when your attachments can’t exist without a model, you should remove them on model deleting events manually. If you delete a row from the attachments table, the file won’t be deleted. To clear your attachments, you need to use delete() function on the Attachment model. In that case, an additional check will proceed. If there no link to the file – it will be deleted. You can do it using relationships and observers.

Let’s come back to our example with hero relation from “Manage file attachments”

// app/Post.php

use Orchid\Attachment\Models\Attachment;

public function hero()
    return $this->hasOne(Attachment::class, 'id', 'hero')->withDefault();

If you call your relation like function $post->hero() it will return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder class, that also has delete() function. But, it will execute sql query. If you call your relation like attribute $post->hero it will return model class. Attachment model class.


Note. You should build your relation using withDefault() function to avoid the null pointer exception.

Let’s generate observer for our example model.

php artisan make:observer PostObserver

In PostObserver we create deleting function

public function deleting(Post $post)

When you have multiple attachments, you should use attachments relation from the Attachable trait.

public function deleting(Post $post)
    //load attachments as collection and not query attachments()

Note. An experienced Laravel developer will see that there is an N+1 problem here. It is intentionally done to access the filesystem to delete a file (The database won’t do it for us).

Subscribe example model to the observer in AppServiceProvider

public function boot()

Occasionally, users may upload image files without properly establishing a relationship with them. These models and files may end up remaining in the system indefinitely, taking up valuable storage space. To address this issue, you can create a console command that clears out any unassociated image files on a set schedule. For example, you might schedule the command to run once a week or once a month, depending on the frequency of uploads and the amount of storage space available.

namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Orchid\Attachment\Models\Attachment;

class AttachmentClear extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
    protected $signature = 'attachment:clear';

     * The console command description.
    protected $description = 'Remove dont relation attachment';

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
    public function handle()
        $unrelatedAttachments = Attachment::doesntHave('relationships')
            ->whereDate('created_at', '<', now()->subDays(2))


        return Command::SUCCESS;

Default Configuration

When you upload files using Laravel Orchid, the package uses a default configuration that is defined in the config/platform.php file. This configuration specifies the disk and generator that will be used to handle the files.

| Default configuration for attachments.
| Strategy properties for the file and storage used.

'attachment' => [
    'disk'      => 'public',
    'generator' => \Orchid\Attachment\Engines\Generator::class,
  • disk – The name of the storage disk that will be used to store the files. The disk should be defined in the /config/filesystems.php file.

  • generator – The generator class that defines how the files will be named, where they will be located in the storage, and how to avoid duplicating them. By default, Orchid uses the \Orchid\Attachment\Engines\Generator class, which uses a hash of the file’s contents to avoid duplicating files.

You can modify these settings to suit your needs, for example, you can change the disk and generator to customize the way files are handled and stored.

Optimizing Images

Optimizing images can be an important step in improving the performance and user experience of your application. However, it is important to be mindful of how and when images are optimized. Modifying the original images can lead to a loss of quality, especially if the images are modified multiple times with different resolutions or quality settings.

One way to optimize images on demand is to use a third-party package such as or its alternatives. This approach allows you to optimize images only when necessary and keep the original images in their original quality, which can be useful in situations where the image requirements change over time or if you want to keep the original image for other purposes.

Event Subscription

Orchid allows you to subscribe to event that are triggered when a file is uploaded. This feature enables you to execute additional tasks like video compression, image optimization, or other file processing operations.

To subscribe to an event, you can use Laravel’s event listening mechanism. In the example below, an anonymous function is registered to listen for the UploadFileEvent:

use Orchid\Platform\Events\UploadFileEvent;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;

 * Bootstrap any application services.
public function boot(): void
    Event::listen(function (UploadFileEvent $event) {
        // Your logic here to handle the event
        // $event->attachment
        // $event->time

When the UploadFileEvent is triggered, the anonymous function registered with Event::listen will be called. Inside this function, you can define your logic to handle the event, such as processing the uploaded file, performing validations, or triggering additional actions.

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